This is a Dynamic Model Portfolio having percentage value against each Recommendation. You can Buy/Adjust your Portfolio in above Proportion
All the Model Portfolios will be dynamic in nature, empowering you to grab the best of opportunities. Updates (Reshuffling) will be recommended whenever there are better opportunities present. These opportunities arise mostly during extreme pessimism, high optimism, quarterly performance results, sudden events etc. You will be informed regularly through emails, SMS etc. whenever reshuffling takes place.
Process of Selection of Recommendations, Our Views, Targets: It is based on many factors. Some of them are the management's progressive attitude, ethics, systems, unique product, expandable market, size of equity, past performance, future outlook, technological superiority, moat etc.
(Read more at 'Strategy')
Disclosure: Promoter of StocksBazaar, SEBI registered Investment Adviser E H Research, Proprietor Akhilesh Jain and family being long term investors do have holding in some/ all of stocks recommended over here. In most cases we buy and test the stocks on ourselves before recommending to clients. Such policy is predominantly prevalent in grown up economies like USA etc. We do not undertake any trade contrary to the norms prescribed by SEBI.
Disclaimer: The information given is impersonal and not tailored to the investment needs of any specific person. The information contained herein is not a complete analysis of every material fact representing any company, industry or security. The views expressed may change. While the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, no responsibility (or liability) is accepted for the accuracy of its contents. Investors are advised to satisfy themselves before making any investments. Investment / disinvestment decisions are entirely at the discretion of the subscribers and the entire gains/losses are theirs. Stocksbazaar does not accept and manage funds and will not be liable for any losses which the client may suffer due to depletion in the value of their investments by any reason. Further, the past performance is not an indication of future trends.